Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'.......

Josh has been a busy boy! As you can see by the title, he is "rollin'" in more ways than one. We now put a baricade of pillows at the end of the carpet in the living room otherwise, who knows where he will end up. He is quite adept at rolling both directions, whichever suits his purpose. He has been known to get stuck under the futon, though, so we usually have to put pillows under there too.

We have a fun new hobby (baby yoga class doesn't start again until next month and music class is off for the summer, so we needed a new "Get out of the house" card to play), we went rollerskating on Tuesday! Yep, every Monday and Tuesday the roller rink has "Stroller Fitness" for 2 hours. So you put munchkin in the stoller, strap on the skates, and get your cardio in! I met up with 3 other moms and babies from a online message board. Someone was kind enough to start rounding up all the local women and putting us together, so as we were chatting, someone suggested the skating idea. It was great fun to meet the other moms that I had been talking too and gave Josh a chance to meet more babies. Most of us hadn't been skating since we were teenagers, so it was a good laugh. The funniest thing was that even though it was a rink I had never been to before, it SMELLED just like the rink in Everett used too! And pretty much looked the same too. I guess that look/smell is universal! I can't remember all the songs, but let's just say we skated to YMCA and 99 Red Balloons, so you can get an idea of the music we heard. We definitely plan on going back again next week, you can work up a sweat doing it and the babies loved the speed!

Did I mention that Josh had a great 6-month check up? He weighs 19lbs and is 27.5 inches (which explains why all of his sleepers are suddenly stretched to the max!) He has put on 3 pounds and grown about 3 inches in the past 2 months! He is a bit skeptical about the whole solid food thing but here is what he has tried so far and his verdict:
  • Rice Cereal :)
  • Multi-grain Cereal :)
  • Bananas :( :( :(
  • Apple Sauce :) :) :)
  • Watermelon :)
  • French Fry :

I've stewed the prunes already today, so those are next on the list....he just doesn't know it yet!
Oh, the picture in the grass was taken in the backyard under one of the fruit trees, he was playing with Lexi (Auntie Mick's cat) and having a blast outside. The had fun until Lexi decided to spar with him a bit and he got scared although Lexi didn't really do anything to him. He still doesn't quite know what to make of her.

I can't think of much else that has been going on. We got a new porch swing (YAY!) that Michael and I put together last weekend. Josh and I have story time out there most days and it is always a nice spot to sit and nurse him in the evenings. He likes to hang out on the swing with daddy too, they watch the leaves on the trees and Lexi most of the time.

Josh and Lexi under the fruit tree.

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Help, Help, HELP!!

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On the swing with daddy.

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Daddy and Josh on the new swing.

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Skatin' and rollin' with the babies.

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Hey Josh.....whatcha doin' down there??

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Thursday, June 03, 2004

We are alive and well....finally!

What can I say! We have been busy/sick/busy/tired/busy! As you can tell, I saved several entries for pictures below.....I have so many to share! Lots of fun stuff has been happening and of course, I have had the camera out.

In the meantime, let me see if I can fill you in on what has been going on. We are just a few days away from Josh being 6 months old! Can you believe it? I am shocked that the time has gone by so quickly. He has made huge leaps in development in the past two weeks....even just in the past 5 days, I can't believe how much he has changed. He can sit pretty much on his own now, I started propping him up with his boppy last week and today, he hasn't taken a tumble yet, he's doing a great job maintaining his balance. Of course, he has the added incentive of being able to access his toys much better from the upright position.

He is grabbing for things quite well now! I now have to eat with everything far away from him if he is in my arms....I was trying to eat a hamburger at lunch today and he grabbed a hold of the wrapper and wouldn't let go....most of the lettuce came tumbling out across the table, I was stuck with a big glob of bacon (yes....I know....bacon cheeseburgers are not good for anyone!!) sticking out of my mouth, trying to get us all detached. Things are going to be messy from here on out I can tell!

He is definitely interested in food now.....I gave him his first rice cereal last Saturday (dutifully photographed and videotaped, stay tuned!), we had that 4 days in a row and he is getting excited about it now. We had to skip it today, because he is a little ahem....shall we say....backed up :) So we are going to take it easy. He has had a couple of teething biscuits (that was his very first food actually, the happiness on his face convinced me to not wait any longer for the cereal) and of course, they are beyond messy, but he is such a happy camper when he has them.
We are past it now but we both had bad colds...his first major cold and for that is finally leaving me after 3 weeks. It was so pathetic though, the morning he woke up coughing and you could tell it was in his chest. He had all 3 adults (momma, dadda, auntie mick) all standing around just staring at him and going "awwwww" and wincing everytime he coughed. He is much better now and raring to go.

Let's see, what else has happened? We finished our last Mommy and Baby Yoga class....I was very sad....I would have definitely liked to continue but the teacher is taking the summer off. So instead, we are taking Kindermusik classes on Thursdays now. He is the only non-crawler/walker in the class (except one 12 week old) so he has to stay pretty close to me, but he loves all the dancing and singing and especially all the other babies. A friend had raved about what a great teacher Miss Allison was and she was right, she is wonderful about engaging the babies and they know when she is focusing on them and you can't stop them from grinning until their faces almost crack! We are going to join up with some other mommies and friends in the fall and take the class with other babies that Josh sees on a regular basis. Baby buddies, it's always good to have them.

I know there is a ton more but the brain isn't fully engaged right I'll add on later.
(Update....I couldn't resist adding a picture or two.....)

Oh Momma...does all food taste as good as cookies?
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Brown concrete.....but hey, at least it is organic!
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Momma just thought I was cute here...I thought I would give her a quick pose, maybe she will go away now!
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Even babies have bad hair days...Yikes!
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Oh my....I hang my head in shame....I cannot leave the house with this head of hair!
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