I forgot to add a few words that he is using now:
We went to Kindermusik on Friday after missing the past two weeks and were so disappointed. There was a substitue teacher and she was nowhere near as good as our regular teacher. She has been teaching for 6 years, which I find really surprising because the class was a real dud! After this session is over with we are not going to sign up again. I think between the great free library storytimes and some other play sessions at the rec center we should be covered for his social interaction requirements! I can't wait for better weather because he is going to have a blast at the park and beach next year.
He is walking really well now, he prefers it over crawling. He has been on the walking kick for almost two weeks now. I finally had to go buy him some soft leather shoes so he could get a grip on the wood floors and quit slipping and falling! Of course, that didn't stop him from taking a dive on the carpet at the library yesterday and coming up with a huge bloody lip :(. I felt bad, he has fallen so many times and we just pick him up and brush him off, well, it wasn't too easy to do it this time with blood smeared across his face! He still has a fat lip today so we stayed home (!), actually we didn't just because of that, but you should have seen some of the looks that I got at the grocery store last night. Geesh people, I didn't do it, he tripped!
Josh got some good daddy time today, I taught class this morning, came home for about an hour to give Michael a break and then left again for 4 whole hours (!). I went into my old place of work to help out with a short project. Josh and Michael, hung out, played, had lunch, took a little walk and when I got home Josh was crashed out on the couch in the family room. It was so cute, he would have never let me put him down there to sleep, but it was okay if daddy did it. :)