We finally made it in for Josh's 15 month check up this past Monday, a few weeks late so it is more like his 15 3/4 month checkup! He was all fine while in the waiting room, checking out the fish and other kids. Then when I took him back to the exam room, I think he recognized the nurse and wasn't too happy! I know he thought he was going to get shots, :( poor guy. I had actually decided not give him any vaccinations because he had been sick for 4 days (probably the rotovirus) and I knew he would not handle the shots well. Of course, I couldn't explain that to him so getting him undressed and on the scale to be weighed was quite an adventure! He had a hold of the sides of the scale, screaming his lungs out and trying to launch himself off the scale every chance he had! It took us several minutes to get him weighed with all the fussing going on. When the doctor came in later she was laughing because Josh had about brought the place down with his yelling!
So for stats, he is 31+inches (70th percentile), 23 lbs (30th percentile). I figured he would be a pound or two light because he barely ate anything the previous 4 days, plus he doesn't sit still for much, he likes to go..go..go..go...until Mommy is exhausted!
The doctor really didn't believe me when I told her that Josh had a 70 word vocabulary. She said she is happy with 1 - 5 words at this age. I told her that when he wakes up in the morning, he starts naming things he can see in his room: bed, cycle, diaper, books. He picks up new words very quickly. Thank heavens he walked over to the cabinet and pulled on the handle and said
"drawer"! He didn't talk much, but hopefully that one word convinced her that I wasn't one of those crazy moms who thinks their kid can do anything. Trust me, I know that he can't, I just know that he likes to talk! :)
Oh, here are a few new words:
The doctor suggested I get him talking on videotape (I just know she doesn't believe me!) so we'll do that soon along with taping his very cute version of Itsy Bitsy Spider.
I just loaded a TON of pictures onto the computer, so be prepared, new pics coming soon!