Monday, March 15, 2004

Grass between my toes

So I took Josh on his first real walk in the sun last week. We had been out before but had to bundle up. This day, the sun was shining, it was beautiful and warm and I couldn't resist taking him outside and down to the park. I just had to take off his socks and let those little toes breathe. He conked out on the trip to the park and just chilled in his stroller for a bit when we arrived. After he woke up, I introduced him to grass :), put his hands and feet in it to let him get a good feel for it. He loved watching all the kids in the park and I can see him there myself in the not too far future. Of course, all that fresh air and sunshine did him in for the rest of the evening, trying to keep him awake was just about impossible...he just wanted to sleep and sleep.

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