It has been a very busy couple of months for Mr. Josh. (Again, I can't believe the last posting was 8/3!!). So let's see, he became a crawler right about the 8.5 month mark and once he started he hasn't stopped. He took plenty of head dives in his hasty attempts to make it across the room. When I took him in for his 9 month checkup, the first thing the doctor did was pull back his hair (nope, still no haircut, I have GOT to QUIT procrastinating!!) and looked at his forehead, she reassured me that about 90% of babies between 9 - 18 months come in with bruises on their foreheads (they actually did a study) and not to worry. Of course, he looked like he had been whacked a few times up the head, so I was relieved she wasn't looking at me like I was the culprit!
Josh has been a big fan of standing at the bottom of the stairs for the longest time, didn't really show any interest in going up them....until last week! I had put Michael's shoes on the 3rd step up, figuring Josh wouldn't think of going after them. I forget his fascination with shoes, socks, feet, and toes! Next thing we know, he had crawled up to the third step and was thrilled to have reached his goal! I went to teach class last Thursday, 10/14, and when I got home, Michael said he had crawled up the full flight of stairs. Yikes, he is on the move again. So now, of course, the stairs are his favorite thing and he makes a beeline for them whenever there is a clear shot to them.
We have set up the family room in the downstairs part of the house again. This is also Josh's playroom and so far it is working out pretty well. We have the room mostly babyproofed (he is always finding someway to hurt himself or sneak into a space we haven't noticed yet). Our coffee table is the classiest, in babyproofing attire. Michael put a foam tube that is used for insulating pipes around the edge of the table. That worked for about a week, until munchkin decided he liked to take bites out of it! So now it is covered in clear packing tape, which gives it a nice modern shine, in a decorative sense of the word!
This week, Josh has taken to standing by himself when you let go of him. He gets a big kick out of it, like he knows exactly what is happening and is pretty thrilled with the results himself. We've moved through most of the biting phase (for now) and he is learning not to bite other areas of our (mine in particular!) bodies. But beware, if you happen to have bare feet and your tootsies are just out there waving in the wind, he is known for taking a crawl by and taking a short stop off to take a bite at your big toe! You learn to keep your toes hidden.
We've been hanging out with his buddy Jaeden quite a bit, they get along well and J's mommy watches another little boy once in awhile so we go over so all three of them can play together. We also see J and Josh's litttle friend Matthew at Kindermusik each Friday. We started back a few weeks ago and it is definitely different with a crawler! He was 5 months when we started the first time and just shy of 10 months this time. The first class he was quite the class disruption. Now that he can move about the room he wants to see all the stuff that is off limits or hidden. He loves to go after the stereo equipment and whenever the teacher takes something out from under one of the covered tables and then puts it back, he watches with his eagle eyes and heads right for it when she is done. He doesn't like the idea of being able to play with some of the toys for just a few minutes and then having to put them away. There a few toys that I am going to get from Kindermusik because he just goes nuts over them. Of course, right now, his favorite "toy" is a spoon, just a plain old spoon from the silverware drawer. He is content to play and slobber on it for most of the day, he crawls with it in his hands wherever he goes.
We've picked up a couple of small trucks for him to play with, because he and daddy are good at playing vrooom, vrooommmmm, vrrrrooooommmmmm, with the trucks. Although I have to say his favorite game these days is "monster"....this usually involves mommy or dadding holding him while the other chases them around the house growling and yarrrring and making mildly scary noises. He laughs hysterically and tries to climb under your skin and soon as he is done, checks back over his shoulder waiting for the next scary monster noise so he can do it again. He has gotten good at giving it back to his and can growl and yawrrr with the best of them. The only problem is if you play it too much, then he thinks you are coming after him when you are just walking towards him and he gets all excited and starts running (okay, crawling) away.
I know there is more, but I thought I would just get something out there for you all to catch up on. I'll take a few minutes to get some recent pictures up so I can quit feeling so bad! :)
This was 3 months ago! What a change!

Mommy loves to take pictures of my bad hair days!

Momma....ENOUGH with the bad hair day pictures!

Stage 1, working on it. Dang this crawling stuff is hard!

Stage 2, got me knees of the ground. I can do an excellent downward facing dog pose!

Stage 3, watch out world...I'm mobile! Yahoooooo.

Oh good grief, would someone please get me a regular haircut and quit letting these hacks try and trim my hair!

Can you tell Michael is my daddy? See how he so carefully set me up so I can watch cartoons?? Mommy isn't a big cartoon fan.

Don't tell Mommy, but I am better at yoga than she is!

Some days it is just good to have yogurt face!

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