Okay, here is the miscellaneous stuff I have been meaning to post :)
These were the 3 notes I had pending as a draft post: daycare, changing laugh, tool box. Guess I had better expand on them :)
I noticed one day that Josh's laugh was changing, he is getting that big boy laugh as I call it. He laughs a lot harder these days and is working on doing funny things to prompt a laugh from other people, so that in turn he will laugh.
He loves his little wooden toolbox, he knows the names of everything inside. Give him a hammer and he'll pound those little pegs for an hour. We had to work for a couple of weeks reminding him that not everything could be hammered. His favorite targets were the windows and the coffee table. He loves having tools like Daddy.
Well, we tried a bit of daycare for him. Just an hour so I could go workout with a friend, she dropped her little girl off too. Neither one of them did well. The first 3 times we went, they came to get one of us half way through class because one of them was crying (usually both :( ), so whichever of us went in, we were able to take care of both of them. Then we tried having one of us stay the entire hour with them while the other went to the class. Still no such luck. I know, some people would say, they'll get used to it, it's only an hour. Unfortunately, it really affected Josh, he became super clingy at home and his nighttime sleeping went from great to absolutely horrible. He was afraid to be by himself in his bed (very unlike him) and he went from sleeping through the night to waking up several times, once staying up for hours. Ugh, I decided it wasn't worth the nighttime battles to keep putting him in the 1 hour daycare. So my friend and I decided (her girl wasn't doing well either) to each go twice a week, drop the kid off at the other's house to watch for 2 hours and the go together on Saturday. Yay, all is well in kidland again. Josh is back to sleeping solidly through the night, still wakes up before dawn though, ugh, and he isn't freaking out when I go into another room (at home!) afraid that I am going to leave him.
We have a plan though! We are going to get the two of them used to the daycare by volunteering 1 day a week to assist with the daycare (yay, it means all my exercise classes are FREE!). I'll be able to bring Josh on the days I assist, watch his little friend too and keep her happy while mommy exercises, and then assist with the rest of the kids. I'm hoping that Josh gets used to it after the first month, that means I can take more classes!
Anything and everything can become a microphone! Once in awhile, Michael hooks up the microphone in the garage and let's Josh go at it. Michael has a very large amp, so I can hear Josh "singing" all the way in the house. Since having a taste of that, anything slightly resembling a microphone is instantly turned into one and Josh lalalalala's his way into a song :)
Well, he said his first 4 word sentence! He was standing at the top of the stairs getting ready to huck something down them LOL, and I said "hey, don't do that" and he looked at me, nodding his head in the affirmative and said "throw it down stairs". I had to laugh a bit because he was so clear about what he was planning on doing and the words came out crystal clear. I managed to talk him out of his plan though. Since then he is stringing together 3 words consistently and 4 words, once in awhile.
Knife, Knife, Knife, Knife!!!!
Oh my, he LOVES to cut stuff. He is always yelling for a knife! Anytime he wanted something opened (boxes, bags, etc.) he'd yell for a knife or scissors. Cracked me up every time, he knew he needed something to get into the box/bag. I have some plastic knives for him now and no meal is safe from his ravaging. I usually try convince him he doesn't need a knife to eat EVERY meal. The problem is, he spends more time cutting things up than eating them. He destroyed his green beans the other day, they never had a chance! I have turned his attention to the joys of cutting up Play Doh. We do that almost every day now. I have to hide the Play Doh cans otherwise a glimpse of them will start of a Play Doh chant that can last oh so long! You ought to have seen his eyes when he had a chance to see knives and swords and the Medevial Faire we went too. (more about that in a later posting!). He was just itching to get his hands on them, they were so shiny.
Okay, can't think of much more tonight, oh besides that fact that I have YET to get a red tomato because Josh keeps picking my tomatoes when they are green. He managed to show his stubborn streak by refusing to say sorry to me for picking the last batch (we have been through this multiple times!), I won't even tell you how long I worked with him trying to coax that sorry out of him. Apparently he really wasn't so he wasn't going to say it! LOL!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
Ho hum....
Nothing much to report! I added a few new pics in the 6/17 posting of the trip to the zoo. The posting wasn't cooperating so I wasted way too much time on it, the rest will have to wait until later.
Josh and I have been home the last 4 days because he wasn't feeling well. He woke up blazing hot on Tuesday and continued to have a fever through Wednesday. Super cranky and clingy, oh joy! No fever yesterday but he came up with a lovely rash today that covers his torso front and back and bits of his neck and face. What is it? I have no clue! Don't think the doctor would be to worried about it and now that his fever is gone, I'm just going to let it run its course.
If he looks a little better in the morning we'll make our weekly trip to the Farmer's Market and wander around for a bit. Then we need to go to Lowe's to buy a cover for our *NEW* barbecue! Yay! I told Michael we didn't need to worry about anniversary presents (Happy Anniversary to us on July 4th, 6 years WOOHOO!), I just wanted a barbecue :)
We christened the barbecue by having Nanna Jackie and Poppa Nolan over for dinner of yummy steaks. I'm sure Josh will learn to appreciate the barbecue in the future, for now it's just a "HOT, DON'T TOUCH, STAND BACK" item!
It has been a quiet month so far. I joked with Dad today that I may start journaling Josh's daily injuries. My word, that kid gets hurt every day despite my best efforts. Yesterday he was jumping around on the futon despite me stopping him multiple times and managed to smash his check into the wood armest leaving a lovely bruise. Before that I went to pick him up and he zigged when I zagged and I poked him in the eye. I didn't notice anything until later when I saw a huge red spot on the white part of his eye :( We still can't take down the gates on the stairs because he just doesn't pay attention and after falling down them twice in one weekend I put them back up and won't take them down for quite awhile.
Speaking of my little guy, I should go check on him and make sure he is snoozing away in dreamland....will post again soon.
Josh and I have been home the last 4 days because he wasn't feeling well. He woke up blazing hot on Tuesday and continued to have a fever through Wednesday. Super cranky and clingy, oh joy! No fever yesterday but he came up with a lovely rash today that covers his torso front and back and bits of his neck and face. What is it? I have no clue! Don't think the doctor would be to worried about it and now that his fever is gone, I'm just going to let it run its course.
If he looks a little better in the morning we'll make our weekly trip to the Farmer's Market and wander around for a bit. Then we need to go to Lowe's to buy a cover for our *NEW* barbecue! Yay! I told Michael we didn't need to worry about anniversary presents (Happy Anniversary to us on July 4th, 6 years WOOHOO!), I just wanted a barbecue :)
We christened the barbecue by having Nanna Jackie and Poppa Nolan over for dinner of yummy steaks. I'm sure Josh will learn to appreciate the barbecue in the future, for now it's just a "HOT, DON'T TOUCH, STAND BACK" item!
It has been a quiet month so far. I joked with Dad today that I may start journaling Josh's daily injuries. My word, that kid gets hurt every day despite my best efforts. Yesterday he was jumping around on the futon despite me stopping him multiple times and managed to smash his check into the wood armest leaving a lovely bruise. Before that I went to pick him up and he zigged when I zagged and I poked him in the eye. I didn't notice anything until later when I saw a huge red spot on the white part of his eye :( We still can't take down the gates on the stairs because he just doesn't pay attention and after falling down them twice in one weekend I put them back up and won't take them down for quite awhile.
Speaking of my little guy, I should go check on him and make sure he is snoozing away in dreamland....will post again soon.
Friday, July 01, 2005
18 Month Checkup...
Yep, he is healthy and happy! Weighs 24 pounds and is 33.5 inches tall. He has a good sized head too.... :) He is in the upper range on the height and head size percentile and in the bottom quarter of the weight range, but he is so active that he burns off so many calories.
The doctor had no problem with his weight, said he looked incredibly healthy and not to worry about it that it would catch up when it needed too.
The "report card" they give you has certain milestones they should have reached, one of them being "has 3+ words", hahahahaha! He has that one beat. I don't think the doctor believed me although he said a few words while she was examining him. As she was getting ready to leave, with absolutely no prompting from me, he walked over to her at the door, looked up and said "doctor, doctor?" Like "hey, where are you going??" Heehee...that's my boy!
When the nurse came in to give him his shots, he was sitting on my lap looking at the tray of needles she brought in and he said "medicine?" and totally freaked the nurse out! Yep, baby that is medicine!
The doctor had no problem with his weight, said he looked incredibly healthy and not to worry about it that it would catch up when it needed too.
The "report card" they give you has certain milestones they should have reached, one of them being "has 3+ words", hahahahaha! He has that one beat. I don't think the doctor believed me although he said a few words while she was examining him. As she was getting ready to leave, with absolutely no prompting from me, he walked over to her at the door, looked up and said "doctor, doctor?" Like "hey, where are you going??" Heehee...that's my boy!
When the nurse came in to give him his shots, he was sitting on my lap looking at the tray of needles she brought in and he said "medicine?" and totally freaked the nurse out! Yep, baby that is medicine!
Another Zoo Trip...

We went to another zoo today, the Cougar Mountain Zoo in Issaquah. Kind of funny to have zoo in Issaquah and they have an odd assortment of animals: Cougars(!), Lemurs, Macaws, Reindeer, Alpacas, Emus, Deer, and other assorted birds.
You can definitely get a lot closer to the animals at this zoo. If you weren't the brightest crayon in the box, you could easily get yourself hurt. I'm not sure if the pictures will show it, but if you wanted to you could stick your hand in the cougar's cage! Yikes!
We had fun at the lemur exhibit. One of them started chattering and we thought oh how cute, and then all of a sudden the whole bunch of them just unleashed the most unholy racket I have heard in a long time! Made me jump! Fortunately, Josh and his friend Jaeden handled it well and didn't freak out. Josh just kept saying "noise" with his eyes real big :)
This website has the best sound bite for what it sounded like, just imagine 6+ lemurs making this sound and MUCH louder: Lemur Sounds h
Miscellaneous Josh Funnies...
I was watching Jaeden the other day for a bit. She hadn't been over in awhile, we were up playing in Josh's room when he suddenly left the room. He went into my room and got his little motorcycle, brought it to his room, hopped on it and scooted across the room right up to Jaeden and started making reving engine noises, vrrrommm, vrooommmm vroommmm. I just cracked up, such a male thing to do! He was all proud of himself sitting there on his motorcycle showing the girl his mighty machine! :)
He was sitting on the stairs yesterday, standing up a bit and then sitting back down and saying "hiccup" each time he did it. Just goofing around, well all of a sudden he let out this HUGE burp! Knocked it right out of his little body, his eyes about crossed and when he was all done he said "buuuuurp!" We laughed ourselves silly over that one. He definitely knows what a burp is now!
He was sitting on the stairs yesterday, standing up a bit and then sitting back down and saying "hiccup" each time he did it. Just goofing around, well all of a sudden he let out this HUGE burp! Knocked it right out of his little body, his eyes about crossed and when he was all done he said "buuuuurp!" We laughed ourselves silly over that one. He definitely knows what a burp is now!
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