Okay, trying something new...head over to this link at Flickr to see some Josh pics:
Pics from December
Sorry, nothing more recent, I need to download the pics off my camera!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I'm In Charge
A video from last year, he was 2 and a 1/2. Voice has changed, attitude hasn't! LOL
Click on Title of Post "I'm In Charge". You'll go to my photobucket account to see the video.
Click on Title of Post "I'm In Charge". You'll go to my photobucket account to see the video.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Where do I start?
Where do I start to catch up??? A quick recap of November/December:
November: Snowstorm, trapped at home for DAYS! The rest is just a blur right now.
December: Josh turned 3! Major windstorm, Nana had surgery, MORE snow, 2006 is finally over!
We made a snowman during the December snow. Guess I forgot how much snow weighs! You should have seen me trying to get the balls up on the deck. Josh was no help!
November: Snowstorm, trapped at home for DAYS! The rest is just a blur right now.
December: Josh turned 3! Major windstorm, Nana had surgery, MORE snow, 2006 is finally over!
We made a snowman during the December snow. Guess I forgot how much snow weighs! You should have seen me trying to get the balls up on the deck. Josh was no help!
Getting ready to head out into the SNOW!
Cool huh?
Doesn't everyone mow snow?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
New Bedroom Furniture!

I have lots more stuff but wanted to show you Josh's new BIG BOY BED!! I can't believe we spent the money on it, but when I cost averaged it over 10 years it seem like a great deal :)
We didn't get the bunk set but he does have the dresser and nightstand in the picture and the bed is exactly like the top bunk. It was crazy how much a twin mattress costs. We went to Sleep Country but the bottom of the line looked and felt horrible. We ended up getting a super comfy mattress from Costco for 1/2 the price of the crummy Sleep Country one. Both Michael and I have fallen asleep with him on his new bed. I think, no I know it is better than our mattress!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Miscellaneous Pics...
Just some random pics:

His favorite drive-momma-crazy-trick, ask him to get dressed and he'll put his pants/shorts on his head and his shirt on the bottom. Funny the first couple of times and then it gets to be AAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!

Loves climbing on daddy and daddy just lets him.
Cool Harley dude with glasses.
More daddy love.
Helping daddy with the deck.
Quick Pics...
Yep, I know it has been awhile, so no stories tonight, just some new pics.

This was the day we left Denver from the family reunion. We had a 6am flight so I was up at 3 and had to wake this tired little guy up around 4:00.

I spent over an hour walking him around the airport, he was just so grumpy. As you can see here he was just trying to shut it all out. I should have remembered that a short night plus traveling (that morning it was a car trip, shuttle bus (very bumpy!), and train trip in the airport) is not a good mix for him. 5 minutes before boarding the plane he threw up all over me. Missed himself, I think my shirt caught it all. Of course, nothing I could do but get on the plane, no time to clean up, no clean shirt to change into. My fellow passenger was not thrilled I could tell even though she tried to act nice!

A little cartoons makes everything better.

Dora rocks!
The best $5 I ever spent!

Maybe still a little queasy? Poor guy. He did just fine on the trip home though, once he got all the ickies out of his system.

Thursday, July 06, 2006
Loves, Loves, Loves the Watermelon!
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