Let's see, Josh is now 15 months old! Can you believe it? He has a pretty good size vocabulary and still uses some of his signs, we are teaching him some new ones when we remember to do it!
So here is the list of words he "knows", that means he uses the word independently and in correct context.
Starting from the earliest:
- Dadeeeee - He didn't go through the "da' phase, just straight into the plea for daddy phase!
- shoes - He's been obsessed with socks and shoes from the start
- socks
- quack quack - one of his very early words, he can identify a duck at a hundred yards :)
- hat
- ball
- cheese
- water - WA
- uh-oh!
- dog - along with the appropriate woof-woof sound, although he heard a dog yelping one day and has kind of started an arf-arf thing
- cat - meows too
- cracker
- wow!
- cool!
- juice
- byebye
- hey
- mama - this one took forever! These days it is said in a very loud voice and I'm not sure why!
- baby
- banana
- beep
- milk - he started signing for nursing months ago, he has pretty much dropped that and just asks for milk very clearly now!
- remote - yes, we are embarassed that he knows this one!
- flower
- down
- more
- car - he likes to say "car go"....Auntie Mick taught him that one.
- french fry - "fry"
- pizza
- Jaeden - his playdate buddy
- friend
- clothes
- shirt
- shoot - whoops, this is what mommy is always saying....shoot!
- spoon
- fork
- plate
- drink
- tree
- book
- read
- night night
- Maymay - for Auntie Mick
- slide
- swing
- toes
- feet
- knee
- belly
- peepee
- box .............................and I forgot:
- moon
- block
- coat
- phone - he does a good "halloooo" when he uses it
- outside
- up
- door
- bus
Here are the signs that he uses most often:
- milk
- all done
- hat
- bath
- more
- hot
- butterfly
- airplane
- mouse
- friend
- night night
Animal sounds:
- quack quack
- growl - we have been growling with him since he was about 9 months old. He is very good at it! We growl for lions, tigers, bears, and monsters in general. We have played the monster chasing game since he started crawling, he loves it but freaks other kids out when he does it to them!
- woof woof / arf-arf
- meow
- moo
- neigh
- doodle do
- baa
- hisssssssssss
- cawcaw - this is his bird sound due to the large number of crows we have around our area...he use to have a cute cheep cheep but once he heard the crows, that was it.
**Edited to add a bunch more! Once he woke up and started talking the next morning, I realized I had forgotten about 15 words!
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