Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Funny things Josh finds to do

He likes to chase his shadow when he is outside and wave at it :) In the family room we have the perfect set up with a light and wall so he can walk right up to his shadow. If he isn't waving at it he is kissing it :)

He took the empty diaper box and after crawling on it for a couple of days, one side caved in.
He then created his own slide, he would climb up on the tall side, then would "slide" down saying "weeeeeeee", it was so adorable. I felt bad that he was trying to create his own little playground, so I took him to the park and he was totally not interested in the slide! He likes his little homemade slide much better.

At yoga class tonight, I had the students go to wall, lie down and rest with their legs up the wall.
So Josh went over by 3 ladies, laid down next to them and lifted his legs up into the air doing the pose with them. As if they didn't already think he was cute enough, he has those women wrapped around his finger! One of the women, Joanne, started teaching him the "so big" game, you ask him, "How big is Joshua?" and he raises his arms above his head and says "sooooo big". After reading Pat the Bunny the other day, I think it comes from there. The funny part is that it took many weeks for Josh to raise his hands above his head, so what would happen is that one of women would ask the question and 6 grown women would simultaneously raise their hands above their heads and say "sooooo big!" and Josh would just look at them and laugh. :)

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