Friday, July 01, 2005

18 Month Checkup...

Yep, he is healthy and happy! Weighs 24 pounds and is 33.5 inches tall. He has a good sized head too.... :) He is in the upper range on the height and head size percentile and in the bottom quarter of the weight range, but he is so active that he burns off so many calories.

The doctor had no problem with his weight, said he looked incredibly healthy and not to worry about it that it would catch up when it needed too.

The "report card" they give you has certain milestones they should have reached, one of them being "has 3+ words", hahahahaha! He has that one beat. I don't think the doctor believed me although he said a few words while she was examining him. As she was getting ready to leave, with absolutely no prompting from me, he walked over to her at the door, looked up and said "doctor, doctor?" Like "hey, where are you going??" Heehee...that's my boy!

When the nurse came in to give him his shots, he was sitting on my lap looking at the tray of needles she brought in and he said "medicine?" and totally freaked the nurse out! Yep, baby that is medicine!

1 comment:

IndyMichele said...

Hey I thought you said you were going to be updating this soon?!?!