Wednesday, September 20, 2006

New Bedroom Furniture!

I have lots more stuff but wanted to show you Josh's new BIG BOY BED!! I can't believe we spent the money on it, but when I cost averaged it over 10 years it seem like a great deal :)

We didn't get the bunk set but he does have the dresser and nightstand in the picture and the bed is exactly like the top bunk. It was crazy how much a twin mattress costs. We went to Sleep Country but the bottom of the line looked and felt horrible. We ended up getting a super comfy mattress from Costco for 1/2 the price of the crummy Sleep Country one. Both Michael and I have fallen asleep with him on his new bed. I think, no I know it is better than our mattress!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Miscellaneous Pics...

Just some random pics:

His favorite drive-momma-crazy-trick, ask him to get dressed and he'll put his pants/shorts on his head and his shirt on the bottom. Funny the first couple of times and then it gets to be AAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!

Loves climbing on daddy and daddy just lets him.

Cool Harley dude with glasses.

More daddy love.

Helping daddy with the deck.

Quick Pics...

Yep, I know it has been awhile, so no stories tonight, just some new pics.

This was the day we left Denver from the family reunion. We had a 6am flight so I was up at 3 and had to wake this tired little guy up around 4:00.

I spent over an hour walking him around the airport, he was just so grumpy. As you can see here he was just trying to shut it all out. I should have remembered that a short night plus traveling (that morning it was a car trip, shuttle bus (very bumpy!), and train trip in the airport) is not a good mix for him. 5 minutes before boarding the plane he threw up all over me. Missed himself, I think my shirt caught it all. Of course, nothing I could do but get on the plane, no time to clean up, no clean shirt to change into. My fellow passenger was not thrilled I could tell even though she tried to act nice!

A little cartoons makes everything better.

Dora rocks!
The best $5 I ever spent!

Maybe still a little queasy? Poor guy. He did just fine on the trip home though, once he got all the ickies out of his system.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Loves, Loves, Loves the Watermelon!

He ate so much watermelon at the family reunion, I thought he was going to turn pink! He was getting down into the white crunchy stuff when I made him stop eating this slice! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Blast Off! Counting to 10 has been accomplished!

Yay, we made it to 10. He broke through the barrier of 1,2,3 and went right on up to 10 yesterday. So, of course, we are making him count things all day long :) He kind of has a wonky way of counting things on a page, but we are getting there.

He is a little singer too, he'll just burst into a song at random times. His favorites are:

Old Macdonald - You ought to hear his mangled version, I love it!
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Rock-a-bye Baby
Jingle Bells - We have a book so I think that is why this one stuck with him.
I'm a Little Teapot
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Wheels on the Bus - But he really only likes the parts where people and parts of the bus DO things, you know, babies cry wah wah wah, wipers go swish swish swish
and our Hello song we sing at toddler group

This kid seriously makes me laugh out loud at least once a day and usually it's things he says. We were driving along the other day and he was saying "house" every time we passed one so it was over and over and finally he just sighed and said "holy cow!" I busted up laughing so he had to add on, "I said it myself, Holy Cow!" Of course, holy cow then became the phrase of the day.

When he doesn't want something but you are trying to convince him to take it, usually food related, he gets all sad/whiny/forlorn and says "I can't want it!"

There are a ton of others but of course I can't remember right now, I need to just write
them down when he says them because they are too easy to forget.

He currently LOVES LOVES LOVES to play with his Lego Duplo blocks. Oh my word! Nana and Papa bought him a box and he hasn't stopped since. He plays with them morning, noon, and night. We build robots, parking garages, and "zappers" (currently the zapper turns mommy and daddy into bunny rabbits - daddy wants to play cowboys and indians and cops and robbers (yikes!) so mommy is trying to hold him off with the bunny zapper for now!)

He is officially 29 months old now which means next month he'll be 2 1/2.....holy cow! :) He loves to be read to every day and we average about 5 books before nap and bedtime. He unfortunately has a good relationship with the morning cartoons as he wakes up at the crack of dawn still. So Go, Diego, Go and Dora the Explorer are a couple of the favorites. I could mention more but I'd be embarrased! His favorite movie is Madagascar or as he says it Mada-ASS-car. He has learned how to ride his tricycle, his cool Radio Flyer trike, another present from Nana and Papa (they rock!) so I bought him a helmet (you KNOW he will need it!) and we are ready to venture out on the road or should I say, the nearby basketball court so he can ride to his heart's content.

But I know you all only stop by to see the pictures, so let me see what I can round up!

April Pics 4

Did I mention daddy bought him a guitar?
That is a very REAL guitar, plug it into the
amp he is standing in front of and you'll HEAR it!
Can I insert another *sigh* here? LOL :)

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April Pictures 3

Squeaky Clean!

Very proud of planting his flowers.

Yep, he has his head in a plastic Mr. Potato Head box....*sigh*
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April Pictures 2

Now if I could only get closer to the mud....

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April Pictures

What is it with males and building very TALL buildings?

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

He's goofy, but he's all mine!

It's a little blurry, but I couldn't resist, what a goof! I'm not the bad mommy that brought him home McD's, you can blame that one on daddy!
Pic taken 12.2.05 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The cry of "I'm stuck!!!" rings through the house.....

So we bought Josh this cute little set including a desk & chair, toy bin organizer, and toybox. Of course he would figure out a way to get himself STUCK! At first I thought I could just slip his legs out from the chair, but there was a bar in the way and even with Michael's help, we couldn't seem to wiggle him out and he was getting rather out came the tools.

Hmmmmm....Mom and Dad are here, but I'm still stuck....this isn't so much fun anymore!

Almost there!

Free at last.....look at the look on Dad's face!

Yes, you're right, I won't be doing THAT again!

I'm so embarassed!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Ugh, long overdue update.....

What can I say, too much time has passed.

October, if I recall it correctly was okay.
November, Josh got sick at the beginning, his Grandma E passed away, we went back to Virginia, came home, Michael got horribly sick, I got sick, Josh stayed sick.
December, Josh continued to be sick the whole month, Michael and I were both sick the whole month.
January, Josh is on the road to recovery minus a 1 week lapse with croup and cold, I feel much better, Michael is still sick but finally getting better. Oh yeah, and it rained and rained and rained!

So that's why I havent been posting!

I missed posting all about my big 2 year old boy! I can't believe he is 2 already! He has been enjoying Toddler Group again after a 3 week break in December (I thought I was going to go crazy because we weren't getting together with any of his friends to play). He is starting to participate a little bit in circle time, he tries each art project each week, kind of does a flyby but hits each one. He is getting the "schedule" of the class and gets all excited when it is lunch time and he gets to go pick his seat, knows exactly what to do when it's clean up time or bubble time. Oh and he is very particular about getting his artwork (or as he refers to them, his "art project")hung on the refrigerator just to his liking :)

I volunteered to clean the Toddler Group facility once a week in exchange for free tuition, :) I'm so cheap! But it has turned out to be a really fun thing, because once a week Josh and I go to the location, I clean for about an hour and a half and he has the whole place to himself and he doesn't have to SHARE! I clean a section and he pulls out toys after I'm done which drives me a bit crazy but all in all we have a fun time each week.

The next step is to get some new pictures posted, I'll work on that soon!