Monday, April 26, 2004

Walking on Sunshine.....

4/10/04 - We went walking on the trail by the Sammamish river. I am going to have to get him an umbrella stroller soon because he likes to see everything and as it is now, I end up carrying him and pushing the stroller.

I picked a bunch of dandelions and let him play with them. He immediately mushed them beyond recognition and throroughly enjoyed it. You'll see the end result in the last picture.

Resting beside the trail, he likes watching all the runners, bikers, kids, dogs, and miscellaneous go by!

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Mommy is holding him in place and trying to take the picture....he just wants the camera!

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Well, hellllloooo dandelion!

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Food mama? Do I finally get food?

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Darn, she just wants me to pose with it.

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I didn't get a picture of him mashing a bunch of dandelions with his hands, but here you can see the end result, butter fingers!

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Friday, April 23, 2004


Today was Josh's first yoga class! We went to a Mommy and Baby yoga class taught by the same instructor I had during my prenatal yoga classes, a great lady named Julie. We had a chance to reconnect with a few people that had been in our class previously, it was fun to see all these formerly pregnant mommies with their babies. It was a nice, laid back class. I don't think all of us were doing the poses at any one time, someone was either nursing, changing, or soothing a baby, but one way or another we all got in some yoga. Josh had a great time just hanging out on the mat beside me. Some of the poses I could lay him underneath me while I was on my hands and knees or in downward dog, he thought that was the greatest!

I've included some pictures of Josh during tummy you may not think that is such a special time, but with babies sleeping mostly on their backs these days, you actually have to spend time every day (ok, most days!) getting them used to being on their tummies. It is usually an unhappy battle, so when you find something they like to play with while on their tummies and they happily spend time there, mommies tend to get excited and take pictures! Besides, this is one of his favorite toys right now, it plays several classical tunes and each instrument lights up as it plays. Soon he'll figure out that you can pull all the characters out of their spots and creat chaos :)

If I hold my fingers right here it keeps playing the song over and over and over and over and over and huh?
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I like it so much I can't help drooling.
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Am I done with tummy time yet Mama?
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Tip Toe Through The Tulips.....

Here are the Tulip pictures (4/11/04)....we just stopped by one of the free fields that you could walk through, although you were not supposed to walk between the rows. on earth did we get those pictures of everyone posing in the MIDDLE of the tulips. We got in trouble a few times. At one point, Maddie was so excited about the pink tulips she went skipping merrily down the row, and went skipping, and went skipping.....we thought she wasn't going to stop until she reached the other side! Auntie Michele and her friend, Cameron, were also with us, but I don't seem to have a picture of them...I'll have to remedy that. Anyhow, next time we'll visit some of the formal gardens that have an entry fee, some of the pictures of the designs and landscaping with tulips that I saw from those locations looked great. Next year, next year!

Comments from original journal:
Misty, these are great! I love the pictures of Josh, you, Heather, and the girls....beautiful! What a great site this is....I'm putting it in my favorites. You're looking wonderful and happy. Mommyhood agrees with you! Blessings, Annie Comment from annieob84 - 5/4/04 8:35 PM

Thanks Annie! I love it when Josh has a chance to spend time with his cousins. We are planning some fun activities with the girls this summer....guess what that means....more pictures! :) So nice to hear from you! Take care and keep checking back.Comment from mistyinsammamish - 6/3/04 10:16 PM

Josh's first visit (and mine too!) to the Tulips in La Conner, he looks skeptical.
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Misty and Josh - I pulled him out of the stroller to take pictures, he is thrilled.
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Auntie Heather!
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Cousin Katelyn (Katie)!

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Cousin Miranda!

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Cousin Madeline (Maddie)! Her FAVORITE color is PINK PINK PINK...she was in heaven with the pink tulips.

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Purple Tulips!

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Purple, yellow, red tulips!

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Purple, pink tulips!

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RED Tulips!

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One of the girls asked what happened to the tulips here, Cameron said, that's where they bury the people that walk in the rows!

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His face says it all....he is done with the flowers and the sun!

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Sunday, April 18, 2004

Time flies.....

My goodness....time is just whizzing by and I have all these new pictures to get posted! Let's see what has been happening....Josh was a bit sick about 2 weeks ago, he ended up getting a cold along with me. Fortunately, it was short-lived for both of us and the battle of me, him and the snot-sucker (or booger-catcher, or whatever it is that you call that thing that you use to clear their noses!) ended quickly.

He had his 4 month check up on April 8th and is doing great, chugging along at 16 pounds and 11 ounces! They want them to double their birth weight by 6 months and he beat that at the 4 month mark, way to go baby! We started putting him in his exersaucer (don't know what else to call it, you'll see the pics) last week and he is slowly getting used to it. He enjoys it more each day as his coordination gets better and he is able to actual get a hold of things. Of course, my living room has become that thing I have always dreaded, kiddie-land! Between the swing, the bouncy chair, the exersaucer, and the car seat it is getting a little ridiculous. Sooner or later he has to outgrown at least one of them!

We had a chance to go up and visit the tulips fields in La Connor last Sunday, my first visit after living here all of these years! Josh pretty much slept the afternoon away, we pulled him out for a few photo ops but didn't get the best ones, I'll still include a few pics though. Tulip link.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Before I was born

If you didn't get a chance to see these before, here are Josh's ultrasound pictures when he was just 27 weeks old! These pictures were taken in September, 3 months before he was you recognize him? :)

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Me make fire........

Okay, okay. I know, it is update time! Let's see the good news is that I have a new digital camera and I am going to be unstoppable with new pictures now! Just let me get a bigger memory card and uh-oh, poor Josh's life will never be the same, he'll have the image of a flashbulb permanently engraved on his eyeballs! I also need to figure out how to take pictures of him when he is moving so they don't all end up blurry!

On Saturday the 27th, Josh and I went up to Nana Jackie's and Papa Nolan's for the day, we ended up staying for 8 hours. He was so good, no grumpies that day. He was thrilled to have some extra lovin' and people googooing at him all day. He got to see his first fire when Papa started up the woodstove, that provided several hours of entertainment for him. I've included some pictures of him watching the fire with Nana and Papa. I also put in a picture of Josh with his Uncle Tyler surprisingly, he wasn't as frightened by the shaved head as the rest of us were!

I'll post several entries so I can include more info and more pics!

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